Welcome! This site was created to provide guidance, insight, and examples on how to operate, manage, and integrate Veeam Kasten. Note that the articles, sample scripts or code, or any content of this site hold no official link to Veeam Software or Kasten.

Use Azure federated identity with Kasten in Openshift

Use Azure federated identity with Kasten in Openshift

When Kasten need to interact with a cloud provider API as Azure we have 2 approaches. One approach is to store the credential of a service principal in a secret but another one is to use federated identity. Federated identity avoid storing credential in a secret and bring much better security. Let's see how it works.

Kasten and SUSE Virtualization Interactive Demo

Kasten and SUSE Virtualization Interactive Demo

Kasten now officially supports SUSE Virtualization (previously known as SUSE Harvester)

Veeam Kasten Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization Reference Architecture

Veeam Kasten Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization Reference Architecture

In this post, we take a look at the recently published Veeam Kasten Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization Reference Architecture

Use snapshot to backup Azure file with Kasten

Use snapshot to backup Azure file with Kasten

With csi snapshots backing up with Kasten is very simple. Since april 2024 the azure file csi driver now support snapshot (for SMB volume) and is shipped with AKS. Let's see how easy it is now to backup an azure file volume in Kubernetes.

Doing fast export and restore on Azure

Doing fast export and restore on Azure

The rule of thumb in the backup world is to always have a copy of your backup in another site. Doing snapshot is not enough, you need to copy this snapshot somewhere else. But when you are on Azure this operation can be done very efficiently by leveraging the Azure capabilities to copy your snapshot to another region. This can improve dramatically your RPO and your RTO. Let's see how it works with Kasten.

File Level Restore on Kubevirt with Kasten by Veeam

File Level Restore on Kubevirt with Kasten by Veeam

Kasten offers first class citizen support for VM with openshift virtualisation (backup, restore, migration ...). But restoring a full disk is not always what you want. Often you want to do a much more granular restore called FLR (File Level Restore). Let's see how you can do that wit Kasten and OCP-V.